In previous post we have see only once test to run on cloud services like Testing bot or BrowserStack.
Now in this post we will see how to run parallel test with Browser Stack.
The script should launch three different browser like IE, Firefox and Chrome in three different OS.
We need two files
1. Testng Script
2. Testng.xml file (this file will have three different test with parameter like browser, version and platform )
1. TesNG Script :
Now in this post we will see how to run parallel test with Browser Stack.
The script should launch three different browser like IE, Firefox and Chrome in three different OS.
We need two files
1. Testng Script
2. Testng.xml file (this file will have three different test with parameter like browser, version and platform )
1. TesNG Script :
Right click testng.xml file and run as TestngSuite
Now login to BrowserStack under Automate tab should be able see three threads or parallel test running