Create a New Maven Project in Eclipse

In this post will see how to configure maven project in Eclipse

1) Open your eclipse  and Go to File > New > Others.

2) Select Maven Project and click on Next.

3) Un-check the ‘Use default Workspace location‘ and with the help of Browse button choose your workspace where you would like to set up your Maven project. and Select the archetype, for now just select the ‘maven-aechetype-quickstart‘ and click on Next.

4. Specify the Group Id & Artifact Id and click on Finish.

Note: Here the ‘artifactId‘ is your project name.
5. Go to the project location to see the newly created maven project. Now open the pom.xml file, which reside in project folder. By default the POM is generated like this:

6. Now from the location default pom.xml would like this. 

7.  Now right on pom.xml and run as MAVEN TEST.

8. After running build should be successfully as shown

That s it you have configured maven project in eclipse.