Reports with ReportNG plugin

ReportNG is a simple HTML reporting plug-in for the TestNGunit-testing framework. It is intended as a replacement for the default TestNG HTML report. The default report is comprehensive but is not so easy to understand at-a-glance. ReportNG provides a simple, colour-coded view of the test results.
ReportNG generates 100% valid XHTML 1.0 files. The output can be customised by over-riding the default stylesheet with your own CSS file.
Go to this url for more details :
Step1 : Download all necessary jars

Click here to Download ReportNG and Velocity jars. Click on downloads to download the jars  then unzip and add to the project.

For guice jar download from here -- click on Download jar as show in below snapshot
Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above, brought to you by Google.

Step 2: To disable the default TestNG Listeners.
Follow below steps;
1. Right Click on Properties
2. Click on TestNG
3. You will find an option as "Disable default listeners", check the checbox
4. Click on "Apply" button, it will show as message as "Project preferences are saved".
5. Now Click on "OK" button.
The screen should look like the below:

Step 3 :  Under project create  new package and call it as "com.testng" and create one TestNG class like this (SampleSelTest)

Step 5 : Right click the testNG.xml file and run as TestNG Suite

Step 6 : Should generate the report as show below

To access report from your project look for test-output folder and move to html folder 
inside this should be able to see all reports, and open index.html file 
